Benefits of Indoor Bamboo Plants

Benefits of Indoor Bamboo Plants Complete Review

In this guide, you can explore and learn just exactly how having indoor bamboo plants in your own home can benefit you. Learn more!

Everyone has heard of or seen bamboo plants. Either they have seen the tree or are familiar with indoor bamboo plants. It is a versatile and significant plant.  The economic importance of bamboo tree and indoor bamboo plants is huge.

Numerous products are made from bamboo and many animals rely on it to eat or use for shelter. Over the last century, however, more and more people choose indoor bamboo plants as a calming and beautiful addition to their home.

Bamboo plants are not just easy on the eyes, they offer a wide range of benefits. That is one of the reasons why people choose to use bamboo as an indoor house plant. Lucky bamboo plants specifically are perfect for indoors and have many benefits that make them coveted.

There are many types of bamboo plants. When you are talking about indoor bamboo plants, however, it becomes a narrower category. For indoor bamboo plants, the two main options are 2- or 3-layer bamboo plants. More commonly known as lucky bamboo plants.

Of course, there are many different types of lucky bamboo plants, and many ways to style or display them around the house.


The background of bamboo plants is as rich as the soil it needs to grow. For many years, bamboo plants have been an important part of Feng Shui. In short, Feng Shui is an old and important Chinese cultural tradition.

In China, they refer to the two types of bamboo as Lucky and Lotus. Lucky bamboo is most noticeable because it has three stalks that represent life, love, and wealth. A bamboo plant with two stalks, a Lotus bamboo, represents only love.

Besides just looking great, there is a deep meaning behind them in China. That is part of why they have become so prominent.

What Benefits Do Indoor Bamboo Plants Have to Offer?

If you have seen indoor bamboo plants at your favorite restaurant or at a friend’s house, you may have it in your heart that you are getting one. Just seeing one does not tell you anything about its benefits, however.

Let’s explore what makes indoor bamboo plants so unique and what they have to offer.

Easy on the Eyes

First things first, they are great to look at. The stalks of an indoor bamboo plant can draw anyone’s eyes. Whether it be a lucky or a lotus bamboo, there is plenty of room to play around with it aesthetically. That includes everything from the planter that you have it into how the stalks are laid out themselves.

That’s right, if you are careful enough, you can toy around the stalk positioning a little bit. You can either gently move the stalks, or slowly direct its movement over time. The only way to get the bamboo’s stalks to move significantly is by directing it with sunlight.

Change how you have your bamboo positioned to the sun. They grow dependent on where the light source is hitting it, so by maneuvering with the plant, you can control which direction it takes.

Improve the Mood

As detailed in the beginning, bamboo is a big part of the Chinese tradition of Feng Shui. In its essence, Feng Shui revolves around deriving energy and peace from the environment around you. Sounds simple enough and like something everyone would be up for, and really, it is.

Bringing natural and lively things into your home exemplifies this. Indoor bamboos are a part of Feng Shui because they do liven up the energy in the space they inhabit. If you have ever been in a house that has indoor plants in it, you may have taken note of this.

Bamboo plants bring the five elements together, which in turn, creates balance according to Feng Shui. Even if you do not want to delve too deep into Feng Shui, you can at least gather that having some of the different types of lucky bamboo plants around is peaceful.

Some people even believe that it removes stress from the environment. Stress can be a cause of many problems, so consider that to be one of the many bamboo plant health benefits that there are.

Low Maintenance

There is nothing Feng Shui about a plant that is high maintenance. Luckily, indoor plants are easy to take care of.  Once you settle on a planter or vase for it and add water, there is not a lot of work left for you to do.

They absorb water pretty slowly and consistently. If you are going the vase route, change the water weekly. However, once it begins growing more and more, you will want to trim it down as necessary depending on the space it is in.

Indoor bamboo plants grow fairly fast. Depending on the climate, indoor conditions and how much water they’ve had, they can grow as much as 3” a month in some cases.

You Can Put an Indoor Bamboo Plant Almost Anywhere

Placement is key. It is about more than just settling on a spot that you know will look good. While that is an important factor, there are a few other things to consider that will determine the health of your indoor bamboo plant.

Luckily, when compared to other plants, indoor bamboos are less needy when it comes to placement. They do not need a lot of light and in fact, direct sunlight should be avoided. That gives you plenty of room to put your lucky bamboo somewhere it will thrive.

For you in your home, the best position for the bamboo plants is where there is a moderate amount of sunlight if possible. Consider rotating the plant once every week or two if possible if it is in a vase so that you can keep it growing evenly.

There Are Options

One of the things that appeal to appeals to people about indoor bamboo plants is the many options that there are. Your bamboo has to grow out of something, of course, and with bamboos, what you choose makes a difference.

Commonly, people plant their indoor bamboo in a vase filled with water. It looks nice and lucky bamboo can do very well in it. Using a vase adds to the ornamental value that comes along with indoor bamboo plants.

The other route to go is soil. Using solely water is definitely effective but going the soil route is actually better. Not everyone wants their indoor plants to grow big in case it becomes cumbersome, however, and in that case, water may be better.

It is ultimately an aesthetic choice. The variety in options is part of why they are such popular indoor plants.

Why It Matters

At the end of the day, there is no one benefit that makes indoor bamboo plants so ideal. It is the sum of all of the benefits.  They are beautiful, low maintenance, and most importantly, cost-effective.

Bamboo is such a versatile plant. Throughout history, people have stumbled across numerous ways that bamboo can use to enrich people’s lives. One of those ways is through promoting skin health.

Collagen is what makes your skin look young. It keeps it colorful, smooth, and “full” looking. One of the many compounds found in bamboo is silica, which stimulates collagen production.  There are other bamboo plant health benefits as well.

Besides being loaded with vitamins and minerals, bamboo also contains phytosterols. Phytosterols can help improve your cholesterol health and it promotes a healthy heart. It also can give a boost to your immune system to help avoid illness.

In short, the main benefits of having indoor bamboo plants are:

  • They require very little attention
  • Bamboo has many health benefits
  • You can put them in either a vase or soil
  • It creates a calm, soothing environment

To ensure that your indoor bamboo plant has a healthy life, there are three things you should keep in mind:

1. Provide Support

Your indoor bamboo can’t grow on its own. Besides the obvious water, you need proper fertilizer for it to grow. If you are putting your bamboo plant in a vase with water, there are pellets and beads that you can buy that act as fertilizers to keep it thriving longer.

2.  Maintain It

Once it starts growing, you will notice. That means that you have cared for it well. It also means that you are going to have to start to maintain it. You will need to begin trimming the plant as it grows over time. It does not take much effort.

3. Change Things Up

This last one is not entirely necessary, but it can come in handy. Bamboos grow to the light, and they lose shape easily. Reshape the bamboo whenever you can to keep the unique shape it is known for. Rotate it every once in awhile, to make it grow evenly.

Indoor bamboo plants are beautiful, require little attention, and offer numerous health benefits.

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