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What Are The Benefits Of Having Indoor Plants? Guide

What are the benefits of having indoor plants?  if this question ever knocked your mind. Here In this article, you are going to get a clear vision, what difference an indoor garden can bring to your life quality.

I don’t say that you always need to be an environmental psychologist to perceive the benefits of an indoor landscape. But if you are a nature lover you need a little research. To discover that the beauty which you can see with your naked eye is just a glimpse of real wonders plants can bring to your mental and physical health.

You might be shocked but when it comes to the benefits of indoor gardens or even outdoor gardens the territory is far beyond fresh air and green glamour.

Recent researches in the field of psychology have proved that there is a great relationship between lush green plants and human moods. They have a great impact in subtle ways, the presence of plants imparts a pleasant and warm feeling. Moreover, can even prove to be a great motivator.

It is actually recommended by interior designers and therapists to add some Green areas in the places where people are supposed to work under great stress. Researchers have proven that it not only improve the work capacity but also reduces the stress levels of the workers.

Let’s dig in detail  to update our knowledge about the benefits of indoor plants

Why indoor plants are good, and What are the benefits of plants to humans?

Why indoor plants are good, and What are the benefits of plants to humans?

1) Purifying Indoor Air From Toxins 

If you want to inhale some fresh air even indoor plants are definitely going to help you. Do you know that some air pollutants like benzene and formaldehyde exist in your Indoor premises?

A few dangerous air pollutants like acetone that you bring home in the form of some hair spray or nail remover is highly dangerous if you continuously inhale it. But you will be glad to know that a nice indoor garden with 6 to 7 plants can purify your air from such toxins up to 94%.

2) A Great Decorative Element

If you are a supporter of the idea that indoor plants are nothing more than air purifiers, then believe me you are in a great mistake. Besides providing fresh air, they can be a great source of adding humidity, reducing noise, and even capturing some unattractive places.

So if you are going to add some spare decorative furniture pieces to your interior to make your room look more interesting. Believe me and the indoor plant is a better option than a dead furniture piece.

3)Psychological Benefits Of Plants

Plants bring a psychological impact, they will give you a feeling of love and compassion and a sense of achievement too. Nourishing indoor plants at times makes you forget about your stress and troubles.

If you’re new to gardening start with succulents as they are easy survivors. You can place them in a bright lighted window and without much attention, they will grow well. But if you fail to grow plants initially don’t panic and try again by avoiding the previous mistakes and you will definitely get good results.

When you will see your potted plants doing well you will actually feel that they are smiling at you and you will cherish some moments of peace and joy.

4)Benefits Of Indoor Plants In The Office

When it comes to indoor landscaping in offices. A substantial body of academic research concluded after research that results are miraculous.

It was observed that the offices adorned with indoor landscaping had healthy employees so they took fewer sick leaves. Moreover, they were happier, more innovative, more active with fewer mistakes and actually had better productivity. As compared to those without plantations in the office surroundings.

So the addition of plants in your office can impart some real life, make it a healthy and more productive environment to work.

5)Benefits Of Having Plants In Your Bedroom

After a whole long day of hard work, when you come back home and enter your bedroom you definitely want it to be the most peaceful, calm and pleasant place. So that you can refill your all-day Lost energy.

In this regard indoor plants can help you a lot, along with several benefits of indoor plants there is a great feature of the noise of absorbance. Yes, most of you might not be aware of this quality of plants that they can bring calm to noisy places, but its a proven fact after research. Adding some plants in your bedroom will not only bring healthy air, good looks, but will also bring more comfort and calm to it

Disadvantages Of Indoor Plants

Disadvantages Of Indoor Plants
Like all things in the world indigo plantation also have some disadvantages downsides I want to share those with you as well because I am always honest with my reader in try to presents you with an unbiased view or ideaAs I have already told you that the plantation brings lots of goods in your life.Moreover,I personally love the idea of indoor gardens where you can decorate your environment with something that will not only serve the purpose but also make the environment more healthy, more calm and more pleasant.But when it comes to the downside yes there are few disadvantages of indoor plants such as
  • if you’re going to add indoor plants in your interiors keep in mind that you may have to deal with some mess as well. As plants are living beings, you need to nourish them with soil, some fertilizers and water. Moreover, they will shed leaves as well, so the area can get a bit messy too.
But still the advantages for both physical and mental health are enormous. So they are definitely worth your chance.
  • If you have pets you need to be careful because all plants are not healthy for all the pets. Some plants can be highly dangerous for pets like cats and even dogs. So before selecting  plants to add in your premises make sure that it should not be harmful for your pet.
  • At times indoor environments can be injurious for your plant health as well but with the help of artificial plant growth lights this issue can be resolved.

Benefits of Outdoor Plants

  • Indoor and outdoor plants always bring life to the environment. They are a great source of air purification, moreover, adds a pleasant visionary element in your environment.
  • They are great in absorbing noise, so for heavy traffic areas the plants are ot only great in reducing air pollution. But also work great with noise pollution as well.
  • Researches have proved that plants and greenery is one of the best and cheapest therapists you can ever get. 
  • A famous philosopher said “we were evolved, in a surrounding filled with greenery and trees”. So to evolve further and to grow better, to think innovative and to be productive, the green environment is always better and brilliant.
  • Plants are also a great source of healing ailments. As research has shown and proved that in a green environment patients feel better and recover faster.
  • Plants have also been reckless in solving the stress issues and loneliness problems they are a great therapy for absenteeism
  • They reduce humidity levels in the air and can make your breathing more natural and more comfortable.

End Note

Plants have always been great companions of humans. Benefits of plants for humans are enormous, it is already proven that human existence in the absence of plantation is impossible. So I believe that we should try to add more and more nature to our premises, no matter whether it is indoor or outdoor. So for a better healthy and pleasant environment plantation is a must in the surroundings. As much we will nourish plants that much we will get a better environment for human existence.

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